Why People Say Strange Things Under the Influence of Anesthesia?

Why Do We Say Odd Things Under Sedation? The Scientific Explanation

Apr 29, 2024 - 16:42
Why People Say Strange Things Under the Influence of Anesthesia?

Why Do Some People Say Strange Things Under the Influence of Anesthesia?


Anesthesia is a remarkable medical advancement that allows patients to undergo surgeries and procedures without feeling pain or discomfort. However, it’s not just the physical effects that intrigue us; it’s the unexpected verbal revelations that sometimes occur while under its influence. In this article, we’ll explore why people might say peculiar things during anesthesia and debunk some common misconceptions.

The Science Behind Anesthesia

Before we dive into the mysterious utterances, let’s understand how anesthesia works. When administered, anesthesia induces a state of unconsciousness or deep sedation. Different medications are used, such as midazolam (Versed), fentanyl, and propofol. These drugs act on the central nervous system, effectively blocking pain signals and allowing surgeons to perform procedures safely.

The Disinhibition Effect

One reason people may say unexpected things during anesthesia is the disinhibition effect. Imagine it as a mild impairment similar to being under the influence of alcohol. Patients might become more talkative or less inhibited, but it’s unlikely they’ll spill their deepest secrets. Anesthesiologist Dr. Wesley Clark confirms that patients’ statements are usually minimal and mundane. So, rest assured, your hidden secrets are safe!

The Myth of Truth Serum

Movies and TV shows often depict anesthesia as a truth serum, where patients reveal long-held secrets. In reality, this is far from accurate. The medications used during anesthesia don’t magically unlock hidden memories or force confessions. Instead, they create a temporary state of altered consciousness, making patients more relaxed and chatty.

What Patients Actually Say

While waking up from anesthesia, patients might mumble a few words or phrases they won’t remember later. These utterances are typically innocuous—perhaps a random thought or a comment about the hospital surroundings. Here are some lighthearted examples shared by anesthesiologists:

1.    “Did I just invent a new dance move?”

2.    “Is this real life, or am I in a spaceship?”

3.    “I love you, nurse! You’re my favorite superhero!”

Why the Fixation?

Returning to your concern about revealing secrets, it’s natural to fixate on such thoughts. The fear of saying something embarrassing or deeply personal can be anxiety-inducing. However, the chances of blurting out sensitive information are incredibly slim. Anesthesia doesn’t turn patients into truth-telling machines; it merely loosens inhibitions temporarily.


Next time you’re scheduled for a colonoscopy or any other procedure involving anesthesia, remember that your secrets are safe. Anesthesia won’t transform you into a chatterbox divulging classified information. So, relax, trust your medical team, and focus on a smooth recovery. And who knows—you might wake up with a quirky anecdote to share at your next family gathering


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